Learning  »  Curriculum  »  POOL CREATIVE CURRICULUM - Key Skills

Key Skills

We make learning in each subject distinctive by repeating Key Skills at the start of each lesson:



  • I am a reader
  • I am a writer
  • I am a speaker & listener

Science – I am a scientist.

  • I use scientific words.
  • I use enquiry skills to ask curious questions.
  • I carry out tests and experiments.


PE – I am a sportsperson.

  • I support and encourage others.
  • I know that being active keeps me healthy.
  • I try hard to improve my confidence and skills in different sports.

Modern Foreign Languages – I am a linguist.

  • I listen and respond in French.
  • I learn new words.
  • I value and respect learning about other cultures (French).

Maths – I am a mathematician.

  • I use models and images to help me learn.
  • I apply number facts to my work.
  • I explain my methods to others.

History – I am an historian.

  • I ask questions to find out about the past.
  • I can explain when in history an event happened (chronology)
  • I understand how the past impacts the world today.

Computing – I am a computer scientist.

  • I understand how to keep myself safe online.
  • I use technology to support my learning.
  • I use various hardware and software.

Geography – I am a geographer.

  • I know and understand about the world I live in.
  • I use geographical resources.
  • I compare human and physical features.

Art – I am an artist.

  • I use a range of media and techniques.
  • I know about different artists.
  • I know that art is represented in different forms.

DT – I am a designer and creator.

  • I design and make.
  • I test and evaluate.
  • I use a range of materials and techniques.

R.E. – I am a theologist.
  • I learn about different faiths, religions and cultures.
  • I respect and understand diversity.
  • I ask philosophical questions.

Health and Wellbeing – I am an important person.

  • I know ways to look after my mental and physical health.
  • I know where to find wellbeing support.
  • I learn how to manage my feelings.

Music - I am a musician.
  • I use tuned and untuned instruments.
  • I appreciate different music.
  • I create and perform.
Pool-in-Wharfedale CE Primary School Arthington Lane, Pool-in-Wharfedale, Otley, LS21 1LG