Learning  »  Curriculum  »  Subjects  »  Science


We are very proud to announce that we have been awarded a PSQM at Pool C of E Primary School which has highlighted the huge part that Science plays in the lives of our pupils. 
Here at Pool, we believe that science is an essential part of our curricu
lum that enables each pupil to learn about the world around them. Through our cornerstone Christian values, we aim to:


Nurture pupils who are excited and curious about how and why things happen. We aim to foster this by learning through first-hand practical experiences wherever possible so that all our children can consider themselves ‘scientists’.

We want our children to understand the issues that the world faces and have a deep awareness and understanding of the sustainable global goals. Essentially, we want our children to be global citizens of the future

Develop the children’s confidence to question ‘how?’ and ‘why?’ We encourage children to use scientific methods and develop their skills of enquiry by investigating ideas, making predictions, and analysing their findings. We create a safe space to make mistakes and learn how to try again.

Develop reflective scientists. We encourage children to follow a methodical and rational way of thinking, where evidence is required to validate an idea. This is an essential skill that can be applied throughout life.

Plan opportunities to stimulate and excite pupils’ curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. We promote an understanding of care and respect for our world and highlight how each pupil can impact their future by the actions they make every day.


Our vision and principles for Science
Pool C of E Science Long Term Plan
Pool C of E Science News 2024
We love working with Wildlife Friendly Otley which helps us explore spirituality and develop compassion.

We love Science at Pool C of E School!

Have a look at our super science skills in action.

Why is Science important?

Science is an important and valued subject because it is highly relevant; an integral part of daily life, from cooking and checking the weather, to recycling and nature walks.

Through science, our lives are changed for the better. We believe all pupils should be taught about the role that science plays in positive advancements, as well as scientific knowledge, methods and processes.

Advances in science are continuing to transform our world at lightning speed and we need to do our best to prepare our pupils for a future we can only imagine.

When is Science taught?

Science is taught every week throughout school. These sessions may be for a full afternoon or part of a fous week. Reception children access this in numerous ways through their 'understanding the world' learning opportunities. 


How is Science taught?

Science is taught through working scientifically (involving practical investigation, observation and application skills, enquiry and research) alongside specific taught subject knowledge. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.


What do we learn about in Science?

We learn about:-

Animals, including humans
Seasonal changes
Living things and their habitats
Light and heat
Forces and magnets
Earth and space
Evolution and inheritance
In all lessons, children are encouraged to be scientists, and to learn and develop their skills for working scientifically. Children are encouraged to find ways to answer questions through the use of the different types of scientific enquiry. Teachers help them to work through these by using the following symbols, which help to signpost the type of enquiry to answer different types of questions.
Pool-in-Wharfedale CE Primary School Arthington Lane, Pool-in-Wharfedale, Otley, LS21 1LG