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Maths Targets


We will be setting our half termly maths targets in a few weeks and these will align with TT Rockstars this half-term.
The targets include: To know multiplication facts for 2x, 5x and 10x tables. You will see also, that the children have been banded for TT Rockstars.

I have discussed with the children the importance of using TT Rockstars and incorporating it as part of their homework regime. We will of course, continue to practise these tables as well. I will be rewarding those children who use it on a weekly basis an extra class dojo at the end of each week.


TT Rockstars homework will be re-set every Monday when the school term starts. Your child will have a full week to complete these activities. Their login details will be stuck onto the front of their Reading Records, which they will bring home daily. If you experience any problems accessing TT Rockstars, please let me know, and I'll try to sort it out for you within the first few weeks of starting the school term.
Thank you!
Miss Ball

Pool-in-Wharfedale CE Primary School Arthington Lane, Pool-in-Wharfedale, Otley, LS21 1LG