The School Governance (Procedures) (England) Regulations 2003 give Governing Bodies more flexibility to determine their own procedures. More emphasis is now given to the process of recording and reviewing the structure of the Governing Body and its decisions regarding delegation.
There are no longer any statutory committees, but in practice, many Governing Bodies continue to manage their work in this way. They must establish the purpose, membership and proceedings of any committee and review these annually. Any decisions made by the committee under delegated powers must be reported back to the full Governing Body.
Resources (including Staffing, Finance, Premises, Health and Safety)
Alex Allen (Chair), Sally Fox, Joanne Pellow, Andrew Riley and Alison Finlay*
*Voting rights on this committee only
Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA)
Vikki Farrar (Chair), Joanne Pellow, Joe Allen, Sarah Mather and Sally Fox
Pupil Support
Moira Keith (Chair), Joanne Pellow, Rachel Worsnop and Claire Kirk
Foundation (Church)
Moira Keith (Chair), Sally Fox and Rev. Stroma McDermott
FGB Attendance Figures - Figures for 2022-23 to follow