Inclusion  »  Supporting our Families  »  Staff Training

In order to best support our SEND pupils, some of our staff have undertaken training in the following areas:
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Attachment disorder
  • Understanding Downs Syndrome
  • Counselling
Whole staff training which took place in the Autumn and Spring terms of 2016-2017 and also during the Autumn term 2018:
  • The 'Prevent' agenda
  • 'Team Teach' - recognising the importance of and using de-escalation techniques and working as a team when managing challenging behaviours
  • Child Protection refresher training 
  • Safer Working Practice
Our SEND team also meet on a regular basis to discuss how we are currently meeting the needs of our pupils and how we can improve what we do. We are open to new ideas and welcome advice and expertise from a range of professional services and agencies, as well as working closely with parents. 
Pool-in-Wharfedale CE Primary School Arthington Lane, Pool-in-Wharfedale, Otley, LS21 1LG